Join the many education institutions that keep their school’s data safe and secure with Freeit.
We’ve got a long history of providing IT solutions for the State of Texas public sector. Our past experiences provide us with a unique insight into the needs of both higher education and K-12 customers alike.
Freeit is currently listed on multiple Department of Information Resources IT contracts. From networking and security to enterprise storage, we’ve got all of your education sector IT solution needs covered.
From the largest Texas university to the smallest Texas ISD, educational agencies of all types and sizes have trusted us with their IT needs. We’ve taken on many unique challenges. We know the solutions.
No two organizations have the exact same needs and there’s never enough IT funding to go around, but, in the end, it’s all about the success of the students.
Explore our existing Texas Department of Information
Resources (DIR) contracts.
Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest Freeit news, events, and solutions.
Phone: (800) 478.5161
Email: sales@freeitdata.com